Terms & Conditions

Last updated: Sep 27 2024

I. Preliminary Provisions.

  1. The Squashly Application Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Terms and Conditions) set out the rules for the provision of the services to Users by Squashly OÜ and the rules of using the Application. 
  2. The Services consist, in particular, of the provision of the possibility to:

    • Create a user profile,
    • Book a squash court,
    • Make information on bookings available to other users,
    • Share the costs of the game.
  1. The indicated services are available via the website https://squashly.io/ and the mobile application provided by the Service Provider. In order to access functions offered by the Service Provider, it is necessary to use a device with an Internet connection and a web browser, then install the Application through it.
  2. The application is intended for Users who are at least 18 years old and have full legal capacity. A person who is under 18 years of age and does not have full legal capacity and has created an account in the application is treated as a User.
  3. The User accepts the Terms and Conditions at the time of registration, thereby confirming that they have read the Terms and Conditions. Confirmation of acceptance of the Terms and Conditions is necessary to use the Application.

II. Definitions.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the terms used shall have the following meanings:

  • Application: The Squashly application that allows the User access to the Service.
  • Account: The profile of an individual User, identified by name and surname or nickname, through which the User makes a Reservation. The User's Account may be updated by the User with additional information in order to make the profile available to other users of the Application.
  • Private Account: An Account that is visible to other Users under a nickname provided by the User. Other players can only find this Account by entering the nickname.
  • Public Account: An Account that is visible to other Users of the Application, identified by the User's name. Optionally, the User may also add a nickname in addition to the first and last name.
  • Venue: A squash court made available to Users via the Application, which Users can book.
  • Rating: Information about the Venue created on the basis of an Opinion.
  • Opinion: Subjective opinion on a particular Venue, placed in the Application by the User.
  • Interested Person: An individual who is not a User.
  • Terms and Conditions: The Terms and Conditions of the Application.
  • Registration: The procedure of creating an Account in the Application by the User, during which the User provides the necessary personal data. The Registration process is completed at the moment of acceptance of the Terms and Conditions by the User.
  • Reservation: A previous order of a specific exclusive Venue by the User for a definite period of time.
  • Confirmation of Reservation: An email or SMS message sent to the User, confirming the details of the reservation made by the User, such as the place, time of commencement, and termination of the Reservation.
  • Website: The website available at https://squashly.io/.
  • Support: User Service Office. Notifications are made via email sent to: [email protected].
  • Squashly: Squashly OÜ, Pille tn 9/3-53, Harju maakond, 10138 Tallinn, Estonia; Registry number: 14576821.
  • Participant of the Game: A User who takes part in a Reservation made by another User.
  • Agreement: An agreement, the subject of which is the provision of the Service by Squashly, concluded between the User and Squashly in accordance with the provisions expressed in the Terms and Conditions.
  • Service: Any of the services offered by Squashly and provided by Squashly.
  • Service Provider: Squashly, providing the Services through the Application.
  • User: An individual registered in the Application.
  • Account Deletion Request: A written request submitted by the User to Support in which the User requests the deletion of his/her Account from the Application.
  • Account Suspension: Temporary limitation of the possibility to fully use the Account. During the period of suspension, the User shall be able to log into his/her Account but shall not be able to make Reservations at the Venue where he/she is suspended.
  • Notification: An email message sent by the User to [email protected] concerning malfunctions of the Application.

III. Application Registration and Account Creation.

  1. The terms of provision of the Services by the Service Provider to the Users are set out in these Terms and Conditions.
  2. The User may only be an individual who is at least 18 years of age and has full legal capacity. 
  3. Each User may have only one account in the Application.
  4. To register in the Application, the individual must provide the indicated data:

    • First name,
    • Surname,
    • Phone number,
    • Email address,
    • City.
  1. The Interested Person is not allowed to use temporary email addresses to create an account. 
  2. In addition to the data listed above, the Interested Person may provide their nickname and set a profile picture. The provision of this data is voluntary and only serves to improve the functioning of the Application and the quality of the provided Services.
  3. The User may modify the data indicated in the Account at any time.
  4. Registration of an Account in the Application requires confirmation that the User has read the Terms and Conditions and consents to the processing of personal data.
  5. The Agreement between Squashly and the User is concluded when the User receives an email confirming the completion of the Registration process to the email address provided during the process by the User or confirmation via the telephone number provided by the User.
  6. After creating an Account, the User must enter an authorization code in order to verify the provided data and gain access to the full functionality of the Application.
  7. Once registered, the User may make Reservations for the Venues offered in the Application. 
  8. The User may choose the form of their Account by selecting a public Account or a private Account.
  9. The User may activate in their Account the option "Do not show in search engine", in which case other Users will not be able to search this profile and it will only be visible to the persons with whom the User made a Reservation.
  10. The User may develop their Account by including more detailed information. The User shall remain fully responsible for the content they publish, in particular data and photographs, and guarantees that it is lawful and that its publication does not violate the rights of the Service Provider or third parties, in particular the copyrights of these persons.
  11. The processing of Users' personal data is based on the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions available at https://squashly.io/.

IV. Payments and Transactions.

  1. Payment Processing:

    • Payments for Reservations made through the Application are processed via Stripe, a secure third-party payment processing service.
    • Users may be required to enter their payment details directly into the Stripe system to complete transactions. Squashly does not store full payment information on its servers.
  2. Payment Method:

    • Users may pay for Reservations using the payment methods supported by Stripe, which may include credit or debit cards, bank transfers, or other payment methods depending on the User’s location and the Venue’s acceptance.
  3. Split Payments:

    • The Application allows for split payments among Participants of the Game. Each User involved in a Reservation may be charged their portion of the total fee.
  4. Transaction Fees:

    • Squashly does not charge Users for using the Application, but Stripe may charge a transaction fee for processing payments. These fees will be displayed to the User at the time of payment.
  5. Refunds and Cancellations:

    • Refunds and cancellations are handled according to the Venue’s specific policies. Users should review the Venue’s refund and cancellation policies before making a Reservation.
    • If a User wishes to cancel a Reservation, they must do so in accordance with the Venue’s cancellation policy. If eligible for a refund, it will be processed through Stripe based on the Venue’s policy.
    • If a Reservation is not canceled within the time frame specified by the Venue’s policy, the User may be required to pay the full reservation fee.
  6. Security:

    • All payment transactions are encrypted and securely processed through Stripe. Users are advised to use strong passwords and ensure their devices are protected when making payments through the Application.
  7. Liability:

    • Squashly is not responsible for any payment issues related to Stripe, including but not limited to, delays in processing payments, declined payments, or incorrect charges. Users must resolve such issues directly with Stripe.

V. Use of the User Account in the Application.

  1. The Service Provider advises the User to use antivirus software and high-security passwords in order to maintain an adequate level of protection for the User's personal data.
  2. The first logging on to the Application shall take place by entering the telephone number or email address provided during the Registration process and a one-time password sent to the User's email address or telephone number.
  3. The User may only use the Application for lawful purposes and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
  4. Downloading or using, to any extent, the information, data, or materials available within the Application requires the consent of the Service Provider and cannot violate the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and the law, as well as the interests of the Service Provider and Users. The collection and processing of data and other information available on the Application for the purpose of making it available to third parties on other websites or outside the Internet is prohibited in any way. It is also forbidden to use the designations of the Application, including the characteristic elements of the graphics, without the prior consent of the Service Provider recorded on a permanent medium.
  5. The User may consent to receive push notifications by turning on these notifications in their phone settings.
  6. The User may agree to receive information about new venues and their reservations via email.
  7. The User may agree to share the email address provided by them with other Users of the Application in the "User search engine".
  8. The User must ensure that the data provided during the Registration process is true, accurate, and up-to-date.
  9. The User undertakes to update the personal data provided by them immediately in the event of any changes.
  10. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account login credentials, including their email address and password. The User must immediately notify the Service Provider of any unauthorized use of the User's account or any other breach of security.
  11. The User must not use another person's account without permission.
  12. The User undertakes to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the use of the Application.

VI. Liability of the Service Provider.

  1. The Service Provider is not responsible for:

    • The quality, accuracy, or timeliness of the information available on the Application, as well as for its suitability for any particular purpose.
    • The content posted on the Accounts by the Users, the actions of the Users, including the reliability and competence of the other Participants of the Game.
    • Any damage incurred by the Users or third parties as a result of improper use of the Application by the Users.
    • Any damage resulting from the deletion or Suspension of the User Account as a consequence of violations of the Terms and Conditions.
    • The manner in which the User makes use of the Service, including their responsibility for the security of their payment information processed via Stripe, which is a third-party service.
    • The correctness of the execution of any reservation of the Venue by Users and the subsequent settlement of the costs by Participants of the Game.
    • Interruptions in the provision of the Services caused by technical reasons, including failures, repairs, and maintenance of the ICT system or the lack of access to the Internet.

VII. Protection of Users' Personal Data.

  1. The Service Provider shall act in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
  2. Users’ data will be available to:

    • The Service Provider,
    • Venues where the User has made a Reservation or has been added as a Game Participant,
    • Coaches who train Users and require access to booking information or User profiles to provide their services,
    • Other Users if the User profile is public.
  1. The User acknowledges that the use of the Application may involve the processing of personal data, including payment details processed via Stripe, for the purpose of providing the Services.
  2. Detailed information on the processing of personal data is provided in the Privacy Policy.

VIII. Final Provisions.

  1. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the Service Provider and the User with respect to the use of the Application and supersede all prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.
  2. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to the terms of payment processing through Stripe as detailed in the "Payments and Transactions" section.
  3. The Service Provider reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. The amendments shall take effect on the date specified in the amended Terms and Conditions upon their publication on the website https://squashly.io/. Users will be informed about amendments to the Terms and Conditions via email and by notifications displayed in the Application.
  4. The User's continued use of the Application after the amendments to the Terms and Conditions have been made shall constitute acceptance of such amendments.
  5. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck from these Terms and Conditions, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
  6. Any disputes arising from the use of the Application shall be governed by the laws of Estonia, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Estonia.
  7. The above provisions enter into force as of the date of their publication.